Monday, January 31, 2011

Did You Know?

The Did You Know film was very informative. I really enjoyed learning about the world, and the different technological advances that are beginning to take place daily. It was very overwhelming to find out that we are behind in the education field in the world.

Did You Know showed that Americans as a whole really idolize technology. It also showed me how many people are very dependent and rely heavily upon using it. Things such as computers,internet, cell phone and calculators are beginning to handicap us and cause us to fall behind. It is mind blowing to know that some individuals cannot calculate simple math problems or even tell the time without the use of there cell phones.Over all I really enjoyed the world prospective of the video and the rude awakening that it gave me.

Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle was very humorous. It allowed me to take a step back into time and watch as technology changed over the past couple of years. I really enjoyed the field trips that Rip Van Winkle took throughout the video .I really like the fact that education was the only thing he could relate to in the end of the video.

I believe that Rip Van Winkle could relate to education because the need for reading,writing, and math will always be the same. I also enjoyed the fact that the laptop computer engaged his attention throughout the video. Overall I believe that the film was very informative and allowed me to see how much technology has changed the world as we see it today.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

This was a great and inspiring video. It really engaged me and allowed me to take a look into my own creative capabilities. I really did a self evaluation and took a look into my own heart and reevaluated my dreams. This video showed me that I should not compare my creative abilities to others, but instead measure my abilities and talents according to my own mind and goals. It took me out of the box that society has so tightly placed around it people and gave me my own perspective.

I plan to take the things that I learned in this video and use them in my classroom. These 2 things stood out to me the most.Only certain people are creative and there is nothing about you can do about it.Only the child can determine there worth when it comes to education. I also believe that it is unfair to label children who learn at a slow pace as problem children.If more schools would offer different alternatives instead of automatically assuming that the child is ADHD or has a disability, the world would become a better place.Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Cecelia Gault (Young Student in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson

This video talked about creativity and told that if you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never learn to be original. Ken Robinson believed that children grow out of creativity because of the way the teachers educate them. This is a true statement in my opinion because we do not treat students as individuals. We choose to place them in small, tight boxes that can be identified easily and that are easy to influence.

I really enjoyed his story about the little girl who could not be still in class. I really enjoyed learning that some people have to move to think. It gave me a better look into the mind of other people and how they learn. Basically this video talked about not placing children in a box because it could hinder there growth as an individual person.Laura Scott's EDM 310 Class Blog: Blog Assignment 12: "My Blog Assignment  For this assignment watch the video in which a kid reporter from Finland named Cecilia Gault interviews Sir Ken Ro..."

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Vicki Davis is a wonderful teacher and also a life long learner. She understands the concept that you can never be too smart. She also is not afraid of the words" I don't know."Many people are afraid of letting others know that they are not the smartest person in the world.

She explained that technology allows students more outlets and opportunities to learn, opposed to paper and pens. She really teaches her students how to be critical thinkers and how to not let adults dictate there minds. She not only opens the world, but also gives them hand-on experiences in and out of the classroom. I give her two thumbs up for a job well done!
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts | Edutopia

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog # 2

 Beautiful Picture

Blog # 1

My name is Jessica Sanders and I was born and raised in Mobile, Al. My major is elementary education and I plan to be a guidance counselor.I enjoy singing, laughing, writing poetry, attending church and eating.The University of South Alabama was my last choice while deciding which school to attend.I was born on January 13, 1991 weighing 1 pound and 3 ounces. Many people believe I am a miracle baby. I am the youngest of 5 kids.

I would like to enter the education field in order to make a change in today's society. I believe that every child has a purpose and a destiny.I also believe that it is my job to enhance and excite them into pursuing their dreams.I enjoy cooking more than cleaning. My passion in life is to push people to the point where their dreams come true. I believe that I am a fire starter, and I carry the fuel needed to make dreams come true.I am a people person and I enjoy good conversations about various things.I am a Christian and I would like to one day open my own tutoring center and also a community center.

Practice Post

My First Post Jessica Sanders