Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog #12

On a scale of 1 - 10 rate yourself and tell what you have learned so far in EDM 310.
Give details, pictures, websites, and any other descriptive things that can add to your argument.

Lastly, write a letter to Dr. Strange to thank him for the time and effort he puts into his students. Do not be afraid to use first hand or personal testimonials!


  1. I really like this idea about sending in info on what you have learned in edm 310 this year. Mine would be a couple of pages at least and the grade i would give myself a 6 or 7 but i am a hard grader of myself. Your picture is great and true. Whenever I had problems there was always someone in the lab to help out no matter the problem. The idea that if we you don’t know the answer we can find it together is a great saying and frame of mind.

  2. Jessica,

    This is a very interesting assignment, and I am curious how people would respond to it. I think it is great for students to write a letter to Dr. Strange, but I am not sure that all students think very highly of Dr. Strange. I personally believe he does put more effort into this class than I have ever seen from a teacher. He certainly needs recognition and thanks, but I don't think all students would want to do this part of the assignment. I could be completely wrong though, and I would love to see what people say.

    By the way, you are actually supposed to do the assignment yourself. :)

  3. Thanks for the comments and the additional information.I really didn't know that I had to do the assignment. Thanks Jamie for writing me that!Thank you Dustin also.

  4. Jessica,
    I think this is an interesting idea. I agree with Jamie Lynn though some people do not enjoy this class as much as others and may not have anything positive to say while still taking the class.
